Saturday 9 February 2013

Flourless Chocolate cake



- 3 Whole eggs
- 20gr. cocoa powder
- 60 gr Stevia (Natvia for baking)
- 100gr plain yogurt
- 75gr Almond meal
- 25gr Gluten flour
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- 70gr Macadamia oil
- 1 tsp vanilla essence (optional)


- pre-heat oven to 170'
- put all ingredients into TM bowl: speed4, 1min.
- Increase speed to 5 for 2min.
- Grease a 18/20cm round baking tray
- pour mixture into the tray
- cook in pre-heated oven for 60min.(leave temperature at 170')

Sunday 3 February 2013

Grilled Zucchini and Smoked Salmon quiche

(Another recipe you don't need the TM for)

Serve for 4.

- 3 or 4 large zucchini
- mozzarella cheese
- 200gr smoked salmon packet
- olive oil, salt and pepper to taste

- a grill pan; 
- an oven proof dish
- kitchen mandolin  

- slice the zucchini by their length with a kitchen mandolin;
- place them in a large bowl and coat with olive oil, salt and  cracked pepper;
- place the zucchini in an hot grill and grill them on each side;
- once their all grilled, layer the zucchini on the bottom of oven proof dish; for each layer, add mozzarella cheese and cuts of  the smoked salmon;
- keeps making layers like you will do for a lasagna;
- cover last layer with mozzarella cheese;
- place in oven at 180' until the mozzarella cheese melts.

Salmon fillet in sesame and crushed almonds crust on fresh mix leaves salad and chilli mayo salsa

(This is a yummy, quick and easy recipe that can be made without TM) 

Serve for 2

- 2 salmon fillets - skinned
- white sesame seeds
- a handful of natural/row almonds (you can also use black sesame seeds instead of almonds)
- salt to taste (a pinch)
- olive oil to pan fry


- place almonds in TM bowl; lid lock position; press 'turbo' button until almonds are crushed to the right consistency (same size of sesame seeds - avoid making almond flour :P); 
Use a pestle and mortar if you don't have TM.
- mix salt, the crushed almonds and sesame seeds together in a large plate;
- coat the salmon fillets evenly with the almonds and sesame seeds;
- heat oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat;
- depending on the size of the fillets, cook salmon for about 3 minutes each side for a medium size;
- serve immediately on a nice fresh mix salad and a good tbsp of chilli mayo

For the chilli mayo:
- if you don't have your own TM mayo (check 'my mayo' recipe in 'Spreads'), buy a good quality one;
- a good quality chilli paste (I make my own with TM but this is a secret recipe ;P)
- mix 1 or 2 tsp of chilli paste to 3 or 4 tsp of mayo (you can add more chilli if you can handle it :))
- ready to serve

Saturday 28 July 2012

Prawn Soup with Diamonds of Royale Custard

Royale Custard:
- 4 eggs (ca. 60gr.)
- 100gr. cream (or milk for a lighter version)
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 pinch of nutmeg
- 800gr. water

1) Place all ingredients except water into mixing bowl: mix 10sec./speed4;
2) Place wet and wrung out baking paper into Varoma receptacle enough so that it stands up at sides and carefully pour in egg mixture;
3) Clean and dry mixing bowl.
4) Add water into mixing bowl; place Varoma into position and cook 20min/Varoma temp/speed 1;
5) Set aside. When cool, carefully remove royale custard from Varoma onto a flat plate and cut out rhombus shapes with a small knife.

Prawn Soup (serve for 2):
- a handful of prawns (8 to 10)
- enough water to cover

1) Clean and de-vein the prawns;
2) Place heads, body shells and tails into a medium size pot;
3) Add enough water to cover;
4) Cook and let light boiling for at least 15min. (cover with lid if necessary)
(Tip: at this stage, when cooking, you can add other spices such as chilli or coriander or anything you like for more flavour)
5) Mash the shells every now and then to get more flavour out of them;
6) When soup is done, filter it through a sieve or strainer into another pot;
7) Keep cooking to a low flame, add prawns and cook until meat turns white;
8) Remove prawns; place them into a soup plate; add royal custard and then soup; garnish with fresh coriander or parsley.

This is a light, warming and full of protein supper....Enjoy!

Thursday 24 May 2012

Asparagus and Pancetta bundle

Serves for 2.

- 2 bunches of  Asparagus (8 stalks of green asparagus)
- 4 thin slices of pancetta (the round one)

Tools: Varoma and toothpicks

- Snaps the bottom of the asparagus;
- Wrap 2 asparagus stalk in one pancetta slice and secure them with a toothpick;
- Place the wraps into the Varoma, put the lid on and cook for 20 minutes at Varoma temperature on speed 1;
- It depends on size of asparagus, they may take a few more minutes to cook. 

Sunday 6 May 2012

Chicken curry

Serves for 2.

- 1 onion (red one)
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 2 boneless, skinless chicken breast
- 2 tbsp curry powder
- 1 can low-fat coconut milk
- 2 bunches of spinach, well washed
- 1 lemon wedge

Tools: TM Basket

Place onion (and 1-2 cloves of garlic if you like - optional), into TM bowl and chopped for 3-4 seconds on speed 7.
Add oil and sauté the onion for 2-3 minutes at Varoma temperature on speed 1.
Add the curry powder and 3 tbsp of water and simmer for 2 more minutes at Varoma temperature.
Diagonally slice the chicken breasts into strips.
Transfer the sauce into a fry pan.
Add the chicken strips, stir, cover and simmer for 5 minutes, then add the coconut milk and simmer for 20-30 minutes making sure that the chicken is covered with liquid.
At the last 5 minutes of cooking, add the spinach and the juice of the lemon wedge.

Ricotta Cheesecake

For the base:
- 1 cups fresh almonds
- 50 gr butter, softened

Place the almonds in the TM bowl and blend them at speed 10 until they are powder-like.
Add butter and mix for 10 seconds at speed 10.
Place the nut crust into a 18cm dessert pan to form the base of your cheesecake.

> For the cake:
- 500 gr reduced fat ricotta cheese
- 1/3 cup of Stevia sweetener
- 1/4 cup whipping cream
- 2 tbsp almonds flour
- 1/2 tbsp vanilla essence
- 2 eggs (whole)

Preheat oven at 175°C.
Place the ricotta, Stevia, whipping cream, almonds flour, vanilla and eggs into the TM bowl. Blend for 1 minute at speed 6 until smooth.
Pour the mixture onto the nut crust.
Bake at 175°C for 45-50 minutes.
Refrigerate for 3 hours or overnight.

For a berry cheesecake, add the fruits on top of the cheesecake before baking.